Thursday, April 5, 2012

Olympic Lifting Progression Chain Workout: 04/05/2012

Olympic Lift Progression Chain
A Total Body Workout

For centuries true strength has been determined by one's ability to do Olympic lifting at weight lifting competitions. Olympic lifting technique is also necessary for all athletes that require power, force, and speed. So that is just about all athletes. Olympic training can increase muscle size, improve speed, increase an athlete's vertical, and improve overall strength. Even recreational athletes can benefit by incorporating Olympic lifting training into their regimen. You don't have to be a power lifter to perform Olympic lifting, and you don't have to use the heaviest weights available.  You just have to take the time to get comfortable with the technique. 

One 45 lb Olympic Barbell
Bumper Weight Plates (can use iron, but do not drop the iron plates)
Clean Boxes if needed
Mirrors if possible: to view technique

The Romanian Deadlift
The Clean
The Push Press

Perform 3-5 sets of each exercise: If you are new to Olympic lifting than do a few sessions with just the Olympic bar until good technique is maintained
Reps should be based on your resistance training goal

  • Endurance: low weight - high reps (>12)
  • Hypertrophy: high weight - 6-10 reps
  • Strength/Power: Heavy weight - low reps (<5)

This is a great workout to perform as a circuit, but you can do each exercise until your chosen sets are finished before moving on to the next exercise.

The Romanian Deadlift

1. Stand behind your Olympic bar and bend your knees to grasp the bar. Keep your focus up and forward.
2. Lift the bar so that it is about mid-shin height while keeping your back straight (starting position)
3. Straighten your legs and maintain your grip on the bar until you are in a standing position
4. Return back to starting position keeping your back straight.

The Clean

1. Using a hook grip start in mid-hang position (this position is similar to the starting position in a Romanian Deadlift, but the bar rests at your thighs: an increased curve in the lumbar spine is not necessary when performing a mid-hang clean)
2. Aggressively drive the hip, knees, and ankles into extension producing a large momentous force to help raise the bar
3. As your legs reach full extension lift the bar up with your shoulders and elbows keeping the bar as close to your torso as possible
4. As the bar nears your shoulders whip your elbows under the bar so the bar can rest in Frankenstein position
5. Relax your grip so the bar is supported by your anterior portion of your shoulders. Make sure that your elbows face forward and not down; this will protect your wrists. [You may finish in a deep squat or mid-range squat]
6. Grab hold of the bar, straighten the legs, and  eccentrically bring the bar back to the beginning mid-hang position
7. Repeat until set is finished

The Push Press
Perform a clean to get the bar into position for lifting
1. Perform a clean to get into the Frankenstein position
2. Perform a squat
3. Explosively extend the knees and hips while raising the bar overhead
4. Return the bar to the chest and squat.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until your set is done
6. Return the bar as you would in a clean.  


  1. This sounds like a great product. Thanks for the review and bringing it to my attention.

    Lifting Chains

  2. Gorgeous examples. Well done! Please do keep us up to date.
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